ECUADOR: DESTINO DE MIGRANTES. (una biografia de la comunidad judia en el Ecuador)
Por Manuel Grubel Rosenthal.
1. Colombia y Perú eran mucho más avanzados que el Ecuador. Este por su ubicación geográfica era hasta más desconocido que el África.
2. Llegaron muchos judíos durante la Inquisición escapando de la persecución. Tardíamente se convierten al cristianismo.
3. Durante la Rusia Zarista, muchos
huyeron a América del Sur, hacia Argentina y Uruguay.
4. En los años 30 y 40 el Ecuador
atraviesa una inestabilidad política tremenda. Pasan más de 10 presidentes en
menos de 10 años.
5. Migraciones: razones económicas o
razones político/religiosas
6. Razones para cerrar los fronteras: en
general era por prejuicios.
7. Fueron los judíos de Curacao quienes
financian el retorno a América y las
campañas de Simón Bolívar.
8. Para la época de Velasco Ibarra y
del Rïo tenían interés en atraer inmigrantes, y esto se reflejó en sus campañas
para que gente del exterior viniera. Pero a nadie les interesaba venir al Ecuador.
9. Los inversionistas no ayudaban mucho,
ya que se estimaba que el mercado era de aproximadamente 500.000 habitantes, y que de los
cuatro millones de personas que tenía el país solo los blancos y mestizos eran
considerados como posibles compradores.
10. En 1930 la amaneza contra los judios crecio
Alemania. Pero el trámite para obtener visas no era fácil, y los consulados cerraron sus puertas a los judíos.
11. Había un Canciller con tendencias antisemitas y ejerció su puesto político para evitar la entrada de judíos en el
Ecuador. Su gestión no fue exitosa.
12. Para entrar en Ecuador se necesitaban $400 como
garantía, pero algunos Cónsules cobraban menos.
13. Llega también un grupo de judíos
italianos ya instruidos que sí pudieron salir con sus pertenencias.
14. Los checos ponen sus pequeñas
fábricas en Ambato, y se dan cuenta que el suelo es fértil en dicha zona. La leche
cultivada se guardaba en bolsones de cuero. Al momento se desconocia en Ecuador normas de sanidad.
15. La quinta columna: ponían una serie
de obstáculos en distintos gobiernos para evitar que se les escaparan los
judíos. Pero las limitaciones impuestas eran de orden laboral.
16. Al principio a los ecuatorianos les costó aceptar a los nuevos inmigrantes. Pero al pasar del tiempo los ecuatorianos se sintieron favorecidos con la nueva inmigracion
17. Oswaldo Hurtado mencióna que en
España y por transferencia en Ecuador, la nobleza consideraba que ningún
trabajo era digno de esta, así que las elites ecuatorianas no dudaban en
explotar a la gente del pueblo.
18. Los judíos eran compremetidos y la etica laboral estaba presente. Como cumplian con su palabra y a tiempo la gente empezó a confiar en ellos.
19. Desarraigo: problemática social,
problemática psicológica
20. De todos los que inmigraron, algunos
volvieron a su patria, pero la gran mayoría decidieron quedarse aquí, donde se
sentían seguros.
21. Algunas personas que se quedaron en el país ayudaron a conformar la Comunidad Judia de Quito.
ECUADOR: DESTINO DE MIGRANTES. (una biografia de la comunidad judia en el Ecuador) por Manuel Grubel Rosenthal.
1. Colombia and Peru were way more advanced (technologically)
than Ecuador. Because of its very particular geographic position was even more
exotic and unexplored tan Africa.
2. a lot of Jewish
people came to Ecuador (and America in general) escaping from the catholic
inquisition, but they quickly dissolved or turned to Christianity.3. during czarist Russia, many
ran away to South America, Specifically Argentina & Uruguay
During the 1940’s and
50’s, Ecuador went through a period of immense political instability. There
were more than 10 presidents in less than ten yrs.5. Migrations:
they happened because of economic, political, or religious reasons.
6. reasons to close the frontiers: generally thanks to prejudices.
7. it was
the Jews of Curacao who financed the
return to America and the campaigns of Simon Bolivar
8. by the
time of Velasco Ibarra y del Río they
had interest in attracting immigrants and cheap laborers, this reflected in
their campaigns so that people from the outside came. Pero
a nadie les interesaba venir al Ecuador. But few people were interested in
coming to Ecuador
9. investors didn’t help much, since from the 4 million people in the country, only 500.000 were considered a possible market, because they were either White people or mestizos.
10. in 1930 the threat against the jews grew
in Germany. But the
paperwork to obtain visas and Passports wasn’t an easy thing to get, and
consulates around the world started closing their doors on Jews11. There was a chancellor in
Ecuador who was on close terms with Nazi party members due to his anti-Semitic tendencies,
and he tried to exert pressure on the government with his political
position to deny the entrance of Jews to
Ecuador. Luckily he didn’t succeed12. To
enter Ecuador you needed around $400 as a guarantee, but some consuls charged
less, because they knew of the struggles the Jews were going through. 13. There
also arrived to Ecuador a group of high class and educated Jews who came from
Italy. This Jews were able to actually bring their belongings and monetary possessions,
bringing new wealth and abilities to the country14. The Czechs that arrived
put their small factories near Ambato, and became aware that the soil in that área
was really fertile. They planted crops and grew cows for milk production. The milk
that was produced was stored in leather bags. At the moment, Ecuador didn’t have any Sanitary organism to regulate this practices.
15. The 5th column: Put a series of obstacles en different
governments to prevent the Jews from escaping. However, these limitations were
from a labor order.
16. In the beginning for the Ecuadorians it took time for them to accept the new immigrants. Therefore as time went by, the Ecuadorian people felt blessed by the new immigrant population.
17. Oswaldo Hurtado mentioned that in Spain and therefore, passed to Ecuador, the nobles perceived that no job was worthy of the new comers and the Ecuadorian landlords would exploit their workers.
18. The Jews were very hardworking that came along with their values, this was proved as they kept their word and the landlords and people trusted in them.
19. There were social problems that came with a problematic psychology
20. From all the people that immigrated to this country, some returned to their homeland, put the great majority decided to stay in their new home because they felt safe.
21. Some people stayed in the country to help establish the Jewish community
Por Manuel Grubel Rosenthal.
1. Colombia y Perú eran mucho más avanzados que el Ecuador. Este por su ubicación geográfica era hasta más desconocido que el África.
ECUADOR: DESTINO DE MIGRANTES. (una biografia de la comunidad judia en el Ecuador) por Manuel Grubel Rosenthal.
9. investors didn’t help much, since from the 4 million people in the country, only 500.000 were considered a possible market, because they were either White people or mestizos.
16. In the beginning for the Ecuadorians it took time for them to accept the new immigrants. Therefore as time went by, the Ecuadorian people felt blessed by the new immigrant population.
17. Oswaldo Hurtado mentioned that in Spain and therefore, passed to Ecuador, the nobles perceived that no job was worthy of the new comers and the Ecuadorian landlords would exploit their workers.
18. The Jews were very hardworking that came along with their values, this was proved as they kept their word and the landlords and people trusted in them.
19. There were social problems that came with a problematic psychology
20. From all the people that immigrated to this country, some returned to their homeland, put the great majority decided to stay in their new home because they felt safe.
21. Some people stayed in the country to help establish the Jewish community
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